JP Medicals’ Carbon Reduction Plan


JP Medicals is a recruitment agency specializing in temporary assignments for healthcare  professionals across the country. Our core values include integrity, focus, reliability, and  availability, and we are committed to providing high-quality services that satisfy both our clients  and staff. In line with our commitment to excellence and responsibility, we are developing our  first-time carbon reduction plan to contribute to environmental sustainability. 


The primary goal of JP Medicals’ Carbon Reduction Plan is to decrease our carbon footprint,  promote eco-friendly practices, and foster a culture of sustainability in our operations. Data Compilation:  

As a first step in our carbon reduction plan, we will undertake data compilation to assess our  current environmental impact. This process will involve gathering and analysing data on our  energy consumption, waste production, and other relevant factors. We will use this data to  establish a baseline for our carbon emissions. 

Averages and Estimations:  

In areas where comprehensive data is not readily available, we will make use of industry  averages and estimations to approximate our environmental impact. While this approach is a  temporary solution, we will actively work on improving our data collection and measurement  processes for more accurate reporting in the future. 

Key Initiatives: 

  1. Energy Efficiency: 
  • Conduct an energy audit to identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced. Implement energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems in our office space. Encourage remote work and telecommuting to reduce the need for physical office space. 1. Waste Reduction: 
  • Implement a recycling program for office materials. 
  • Minimize paper usage by encouraging digital documentation and communication. Evaluate suppliers for eco-friendly packaging options. 
  1. Transportation: 
  • Promote carpooling, the use of public transportation, and telecommuting among our staff. Explore the use of electric or hybrid vehicles for business-related travel.

3. Education and Awareness: 

  • Raise awareness among our employees and stakeholders about the importance of carbon  reduction.
  • Provide training and resources for employees to adopt sustainable practices in their daily  routines.

Monitoring and Reporting:  

JP Medicals is committed to regularly monitoring and reporting on our progress toward carbon  reduction. We will establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and track our efforts, making  adjustments as necessary to meet our environmental goals. 


JP Medicals’ Carbon Reduction Plan is a significant step toward aligning our business  operations with environmental sustainability. While we begin with data compilation and the  use of averages in areas lacking data, our commitment is to continuously improve our  environmental impact assessment processes and implement effective carbon reduction  measures. We believe that by doing our part, we can contribute to a greener and more  sustainable future while maintaining our high standards of service to clients and candidates  alike.

JP Medicals’ Carbon Reduction Plan 

Publication date: 20th September 2023 

We are committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040. We’ve chosen January 1st to  December 31st as the foundational year for reporting our carbon emissions.

Baseline Emission Report: JP Medicals 


This baseline emission report outlines the initial steps taken by JP Medicals, a healthcare  recruitment agency, to assess and establish a baseline for its carbon emissions. In cases  where data was unavailable, industry averages were used to estimate emissions, enabling the  creation of a foundation for future reporting and reduction strategies. 

Data Compilation Process: 

JP Medicals initiated its carbon emissions assessment by compiling data from various sources  within the organization. The key areas considered in data collection included: 1. Office Energy Consumption: Data on electricity and heating/cooling usage was gathered by  reviewing utility bills, meter readings, and equipment specifications. 

  1. Waste Production: The amount of paper waste, recyclables, and general waste generated  by the organization was quantified. 
  2. Transportation: Records of business-related travel, including staff commuting, were  compiled. 
  3. Supply Chain: Information on the environmental impact of suppliers’ packaging and  transportation was collected. 

Using Averages to Establish a Baseline: 

In several instances, JP Medicals faced challenges in obtaining precise data, necessitating  the use of industry averages to estimate emissions. Key areas where averages were  employed include: 

  1. Employee Commuting: Data on employee commuting habits and vehicle types were not  available, so industry-standard figures for emissions associated with employee travel were  used. 
  2. Supplier Emissions: Supplier-specific emissions data for the supply chain was not  accessible. Instead, averages for transportation and packaging emissions in the healthcare  sector were employed.
  3. Carbon Offset Calculation: Due to limited data, JP Medicals relied on industry-standard  calculations to estimate the emissions offset through investments in carbon offset programs.

Baseline Emission Figures (Tons of CO2 Equivalent): The baseline carbon emissions for  JP Medicals, including both measured and estimated data, are as follows: Office Energy Consumption: 3.10061 tCO2e 

  • Waste Production: 6.3843 tCO2e 
  • Employee Commuting: 24.7929 tCO2e 
  • Supplier Emissions: Currently this data is not available. However, we endeavor to keep  monitoring and collaborating with our supply chain to achieve the figures in the coming years. 

Future Reporting and Improvement: 

JP Medicals recognizes the limitations of using averages in certain areas of our baseline  emissions report. To enhance future reporting and reduction efforts, the organization commits  to: 

  1. Improve Data Collection: Invest in better data collection mechanisms to accurately measure  energy consumption, waste production, and other emissions sources. 
  2. Accurate Employee Commuting Data: Gather data on employee commuting habits to better  estimate emissions related to staff travel. 
  3. Supplier Engagement: Collaborate with suppliers to obtain specific emissions data for a more  accurate representation of supply chain emissions. 
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Regularly track and report emissions data, allowing us to measure  progress and adjust reduction strategies as needed. 

By focusing on data enhancement and the reduction of carbon emissions, JP Medicals is  dedicated to making positive contributions to environmental sustainability and achieving a  greener future while maintaining high standards of service for our clients and candidates.

Baseline Year: 2022



Scope 1 

Scope 1 – Direct Emissions tCO2e 

Stationary Combustion (Boiler, Generator) 0.0000 

Mobile Combustion (Company Fleet) 0.0000 

Process Emissions (On-Site Manufacturing) 0.0000 

Fugitive Emissions (F-Gasses) 0.0000 

Scope 1 Total 0.0000 

We’ve determined that our business processes and activities don’t  generate any emissions within this scope. However, we are vigilant about  monitoring for any future emissions that may arise.

Scope 2 

Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions tCO2e 

Electricity (Head office & Branches) 3.1061 

Gas (Heating type) 0.0945 

Water 0.0000 

Scope 2 Total 3.2006

Scope 3 

(Included Sources) Total Emissions 

Scope 3 tCO2e 

Waste Generated in Operations 6.3843 

Upstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 

Downstream transportation & distribution 0.0000 

Business Travel 0.0000 

Commuting (round trip to location) 24.7929 

Work From Home 0.0000 

Scope 3


Total 31.1772 

34.3778 tCO2e

Current Emissions Reporting 

Current Year: 2022 

Baseline Year: 2022



Scope 1 

Scope 1 – Direct Emissions tCO2e 

Stationary Combustion (Boiler, Generator) 0.0000 

Mobile Combustion (Company Fleet) 0.0000 

Process Emissions (On-Site Manufacturing) 0.0000 

Fugitive Emissions (F-Gasses) 0.0000 

Scope 1 Total 0.0000

We’ve determined that our business processes and activities don’t  generate any emissions within this scope. However, we are vigilant about  monitoring for any future emissions that may arise. 

Scope 2 

Scope 2 – Indirect Emissions tCO2e 

Electricity (Head office & Branches) 3.1061 Gas (Heating type) 0.0945 Water 0.0000

Scope Total – 3.2006

Scope 3 

(Included Sources) Total Emissions 

Scope 3 tCO2e 

Waste Generated in Operations 6.3843
Upstream transportation & distribution 0.0000
Downstream transportation & distribution 0.0000
Business Travel 0.0000 Commuting (round trip to location) 24.7929
Work From Home 0.0000
Scope 3 Total 31.1772

Total Emissions 34.3778 tCO2e

Reporting Year: 2022

Carbon Reduction Projects and Targets for JP Medicals (2023- 2028) 

Project 1: Office Energy Efficiency (2023-2024) 


  1. Reduce office energy consumption by 15% within the next two years. 
  2. Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting systems and smart thermostats to minimize energy  wastage. 
  3. Install solar panels on the office building to generate clean energy and reduce reliance on grid  electricity where applicable or recommend the landlord of the benefits of such solutions. Project 2: Waste Reduction (2023-2025) 


  1. Implement a comprehensive recycling program and aim to divert 75% of office waste from  landfills by 2025. 
  2. Promote a paperless office culture, striving to decrease paper consumption by 50% over the  next two years. 
  3. Collaborate with eco-friendly suppliers to reduce unnecessary packaging and waste  generation. 

Project 3: Sustainable Transportation (2023-2028) 


  1. Encourage employees to carpool, use public transportation, or telecommute, aiming for a 20%  reduction in commuting-related emissions by 2025. 
  2. Implement a telecommuting policy for eligible staff to reduce the need for physical office space  and minimize commuting emissions. 

Project 4: Supplier Engagement (2024-2026) 


  1. Collaborate with key suppliers to obtain specific emissions data and work with them to reduce  emissions in the supply chain. 
  2. Implement a supplier sustainability program, giving preference to environmentally responsible  suppliers. 
  3. Set targets for supplier emissions reduction, aiming for a 10% reduction in supply chain  emissions by 2026. 

Project 5: Carbon Offset Programs (Ongoing) 


  1. Continue investing in carbon offset programs to compensate for emissions that cannot be  immediately reduced.
  2. Calculate offset requirements annually and increase offset investments to achieve carbon neutral operations.
  3. Explore innovative carbon offset initiatives, such as reforestation and renewable energy  projects. 

Project 6: Employee Education and Engagement (Ongoing) 


  1. Conduct regular sustainability training sessions for employees to raise awareness and  promote environmentally responsible practices. 
  2. Encourage employees to suggest and participate in carbon reduction initiatives. 3. Recognize and reward employees for their active involvement in sustainability efforts.

 Project 7: Regular Reporting and Adjustment (Ongoing) 


  1. Develop an annual carbon emissions report to track progress, with a goal of reducing total  emissions by 10% each year. 
  2. Regularly assess and adjust the carbon reduction plan to incorporate new technologies and  best practices. 
  3. Work towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2028, by reducing and offsetting all emissions  generated by JP Medicals. 

JP Medicals’ commitment to these carbon reduction projects and targets over the next five  years reflects our dedication to environmental sustainability and a greener future, while  upholding the highest standards of service to clients and candidates.


Declaration and Sign Off 

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and  associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans. Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting  standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard1 and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas  company reporting2

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements,  and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the  published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain  (Scope 3) Standard3

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or  equivalent management body). 

Signed on behalf of JP Medicals

G Subramanian 


Date: ……25/09/2023………………….……….